Many of you know that I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons). Those of my fellow members know what that means, what we believe and what we stand for. For those of you who don't know I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the things that I believe, know, and hold dear to my heart. This might be a little weird and something that people my age don't openly express often. But we've recently recieved instruction from our leaders to express our convictions in whatever means we can, including the internet. They're things that I love, and this blog is titled as a loving place. They're things that bring me joy and perspective- and I am all about sharing love and joy.
We believe in a loving Heavenly Father who loves us perfectly. We believe that we lived with Him before we came to earth and that we will have the opportunity to live with Him in the hereafter. We believe that He developed a plan for us to come here and to learn and grow and gain the experience that we needed to progress. Our Heavenly Father knew that we would sin and make mistakes that would make it impossible for us to return to Him. So as part of His plan

He needed someone to come and suffer for those sins and mistakes so we could return to live with Him for all eternity. The only one of His children who was good enough to perform this task was His first born son, our elder brother and beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.
He came to earth and established His church. He was a perfect example for us. He performed the ultimate act of love for each and every one of us. He suffered for our sins, our heartaches, our physical pain. He felt everything we will ever feel. He rose on the third day and overcame death. I know these things are true. I know that He lives. I know that He is willing and anxious to help me with everything I struggle with. I know He loves me and will ALWAYS be there for me no matter how many mistakes I make or problems I come up against. His role is to help me with those things.
Some of you may wonder "how can she KNOW that? how can ANYone KNOW that?" And I can say that I know because I have thought, and studied, pondered and PRAYED. I have asked for this witness and Heavenly Father has granted me that privilege. He has told me in a way that I can KNOW. He speaks to each of us differently. But I can stand and bear my testimony that I know Christ lives, that He has suffered for my sins, that He knows me perfectly. I have seen His love in my life. His influence and counsel has brought me more joy than anything I could ever find elsewhere. I bear this testimony with my whole heart, as sincerely and openly as I can. And I pray that ALL of you can COME UNTO HIM and know His love and power. I know He lives I know His power is real. I write these things in His name, the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.