Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The joys of retail

Today I was at work (my third day on the job) and we were unpacking all these boxes to restock the store. And we were using box- cutters, which I, personally, really enjoy using. There's something so satisfying about cutting through that tape :). And as I got to one box I ran my box cutter accross the tape, and as the cardboard split open to reveal it's contents one of my FAVORITE things in the world appeared.....drumroll please........BUBBLE WRAP! I was so excited. Who doesn't LOVE bubble wrap, I mean really? That super-satisfying popping sound from squeezing, twisting and (my favorite) dancing upon it, just can't be beat. But the story doesn't end there. I pulled the bubble wrap from the box and firmly pinched one of the bubbles. Nothing happened. I pinched again and noticed that the bubble next to it expanded, and the bubble next to that one and so on down the row. The pressure evenly dispersed accross the entire row and there wasn't a pop to be heard. :( Pop-proof bubble wrap. Pop-proof BUBBLE WRAP!! WHO DOES THAT!!?? It was very sad. But I'm ok. or will be at least. eventually. I mean, at least I've still got the box cutter:) and if you pinch those packing peanuts from the right angle they explode right out of your hand. It's a simple pleasure, but sometimes I think those are the most important :).

Aside from that story I absolutely love my job. I work with these four great guys: Frank, Allen, Peter and Tim. They're all really cool guys and I'm having a blast getting to know them. It's a shame I'll only be there for a month.


Katie W. said...

I don't understand...bubble wrap that doesn't pop? what is our world coming too?

L.W. said...

i have seen that bubble wrap and i agree, no fun!

where are you working?

i'm in NYC and i miss you!

The Harpers said...

Have you seen that commercial for some antioxidant drink where the whole world is covered in bubble wrap? There is lots of jumping, dancing, and popping. I think of you now everytime I see it.

Sharesa Larsen said...

Do you just love that new commercial for Snapple?