Sunday, May 4, 2008


So a couple months ago I posted a story about one of my more difficult classes (the one where it seemed that everyone was speaking some alternate language).  Well I just spent the last four days on my final project for that class and an hour and a half ago I FINISHED!! It's so amazing.  I orchestrated a piece written by Claude Debussy (he wrote the famous "Claire De Lune" that everyone and their dog learns on the piano), which basically means I took his piano piece and re-wrote it for a full orchestra. 
 This may not seem like much, but to hold those eight pieces of manuscript paper in my hands and look at the hundreds of notes hand written in between hundreds of lines and spaces and think that a group of musicians could look at them and make MUSIC!--- It's a miracle. To think about how lost I was in this class at the beginning of the year and then see that I'm capable of doing something I never thought I would be able to do--it's a mazing.  And honestly I don't think I really did it on my own, in fact I know I didn't.  Prayer works my friends- it really really does :)


Anonymous said...

yay! i want to hear it (see it?) :) sorry i couldn't call you back. indeed your message sounded border over-whelmed and exhasperated...when i listened to it a couple days the words of the brooklyn inwood ward relief society president, "you look as if you ah in anudda wood!" and so i was.

vallarsen49 said...

bah! you're funny. I won't get it back for a while unfortunately :( But I SO want to show it to the WORLD!! Now I've got the skills to start orchestrating my own pieces :). So happy!