Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ok so this is something I've wanted to blog about for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. I've been noticing in group situations that conversations among several people tend to be more of a series of moments. One person will tell a story: moment. Someone will comment on the story: moment. Someone will react positively/negatively: moment. Then someone will bring up another story/idea/subject: moment. Generally this format runs pretty smoothly and we all get to know each other better.

But every once in a while you're in a large group and someone will start their story or big thought out opinion and right in the middle of a critical line someone from the other side of the circle pipes in "ah man what TIME is it?" like it's the most pressing part of the conversation. This, I think, is something to be avoided.

It's all about giving someone their moment, whatever it is they needed it for. It may be a story, a movie quote, a vent session about their recent break-up, or their new found love for chilly-dawgs, whatever! It's a listening thing.

Wouldn't you say? Are there appropriate interruption points? I really don't know, what do you think?


Ellen Irion said...

yay she returns!!!! glad to have you back in the blogger world. happy to have your awesome insights again, i officially (hey i'm hungry) interrupt to much

vallarsen49 said...

Ya I've been out. (I had a boyfriend, and a job- they suck time.)