Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No endings...

I'm listening to Colors right now..(hehe so great!!) and thinking about my friends from high school and how much I love them and miss them and miss being able to drive to their houses and be with them whenever I wanted. And someday I'll feel the same way about my friends here in Boston. But (as I looked nostalgically out my city window) I know that life is eternal and that we're all brothers and sisters. And really, there's no such thing as goodbye forever. Even the people we have huge falling outs or break ups or it's just not right for us to be friends right now- SOMEDAY all that will smooth itself out and we'll all be perfectly loving and happy and have the capacity to be infinitely close to an infinite amount of spirits- and this is the phrase that comes to mind:

There are no beginnings and no ends- only seasons.

I had a season of high school friends, I have a season of Boston friends, I'll have seasons for the rest of my life... and when this one's over I'll have more. And every spirit matters, and someday I'll be able to combine those "seasons of love" and that's why it's called heaven. Relationships are the most important and joyous thing we have- sigh. I love you.


Ellen Irion said...

I love that post on SO many levels. Like really. I think I've read it 6 times. You just said what I was probably trying to explain to myself. O my like I REALLY like it. You are the coolest. I miss you. and guess what sister seasons never end, they just change a little bit. How bout we skype soon? especially once my finals are over :) lindsay will come maybe, and we will all delight in your awesomeness together.
All that rambling pretty much boils down to one thing.
I love dew.

Lindsay said...

oh my word Val that was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. How do you do it? Gosh I just want to be more like you! Thanks for always boosting me up and helping me- even when you have no idea that you are. I'm so grateful for you! Ahhh loved the post.
oh and love that Ell included me in the skypin goodness. I'm all in!

Kelly Jean said...

Ironic that "Turn! Turn! Turn!" just happens to be serenading me right now on my iTunes??

I love that outlook. So true. Seasons... that's good to remember when times get tough... that it's just a season and all will be well soon enough. You're so great, Val. I love you!