Friday, April 4, 2008

Guess what......

I have a really really big secret that I'm not telling my family... and its NOT that I've become a pseudo vegetarian.  It's a really big wish that won't come true for about a week.  But I can't publish it because my sister's read this blog.  O and BTW has anyone noticed how I haven't written for like a month and my hits DOUBLED! I know that's a lot of people just getting here by accident but still... it makes me feel loved. And why pass up that??  I think we all let self consciousness over rule our happy thoughts sometimes, and that's just cynical.  I'll make a deal with you all.  If each of you find something that makes you feel loved tomorrow (or the day after you read this whenever that is) you tell me what it was and I will send you a dessert in the mail.  Capiche? 


Ellen Irion said...

I felt REAL loved when I read this blog and found out you won't tell me something. Thoroughly lame, well false maybe not, thoroughly intriguing and making me want to know REAL bad. You were correct it drives me nuts, but in a good kind of way. You see I love surprises and now I get to look forward to one! which lets admit looking forward to things is its own kind of fun that in its own special way can be as fun as actually doing whatever you're looking forward to. and this is officially much to long for just a comment

Kelly Jean said...

I think I know the secret... hehehe :D

vallarsen49 said...

Kelly knows Kelly knows!!

Ellen Irion said...

I don't think i've ever seriously had no idea what a secret was like this - not a secret that I was aware of anyway, seeing as how obviously i wouldn't have any clues about a secret that i didn't even know existed. anyone who understands the previous run on sentence deserves a gold star

Sharesa Larsen said...

hmm a secret? I wish I knew what it was! I REALLY wish I knew what it was! Something that made me feel loved-that time of the month has come and one night Sarah, Creed, and I were watching a movie and it was time for her to go to bed, I didn't want to move so Creed took Sarah to bed and all the way up the stairs I could hear her say, "Mommy, night night, Mommy, love." Creed said that she snuggled into bed and said Mommy. That made me feel really loved by both my husband and daughter!