Friday, April 25, 2008

In the last six months I have:
-completed and begun a new semester
-witnessed the life of an independent onion
-surprised my family
-completed a big goal
-begun a new goal
-had my heart ripped apart and built up half way
-flipped my financial situation
-decided to run a marathon
-cut down on my meat intake
-fallen in love...again
-heard the voice of God
-had an anxiety attack
-skipped  a little class 
-made up the classes I missed
-blogged it up
-received a set of miracle keys
-Been to a funeral
-laughed every day...almost
-witnessed a revolutionary war re-enactment

1 comment:

Chrissie Lou said...

guess what.
i'm running a half marathon (not quite as abitious as you...) Paul (my fiance) is running a marathon in 3 weeks. I'm running my half (Eric and Paul are too) on July 19th- one week before the big day.
And I love you so I facebook and blog stalk you.