Friday, April 25, 2008

get to know someone

Have you ever had one of those acquaintances/dates/friendships/relationships where you knew a lot or everything about the other person but they knew slim to none about you? I feel like I experience this often and I'm just wondering... how do I stop this from happening? Is it MY fault that they've never asked or made the effort to remember?  Maybe I'm not speaking up enough? I'm usually of the opinion that no one wants to be talked at, so I kind of wait for the other person to ask about me or bring something up about myself before I interject with my #1 most hilarious story, passionate political opinion, or latest advice on their love life. Am I doing this right? Maybe I should put myself out there a little more...thoughts?

And for all you who find yourself in the opposite position, how do you feel about not knowing or remembering anything about your acquaintance/date/friend/significant other/family member? Don't you feel like you're kind of missing something from those people? Or are you completely satisfied with your all confessing, only guessing knowledge of those you're close to ( or should I say "close" to)? I'm hungry for does this relationship give and take function best? 

Thank you all for your input
In the last six months I have:
-completed and begun a new semester
-witnessed the life of an independent onion
-surprised my family
-completed a big goal
-begun a new goal
-had my heart ripped apart and built up half way
-flipped my financial situation
-decided to run a marathon
-cut down on my meat intake
-fallen in love...again
-heard the voice of God
-had an anxiety attack
-skipped  a little class 
-made up the classes I missed
-blogged it up
-received a set of miracle keys
-Been to a funeral
-laughed every day...almost
-witnessed a revolutionary war re-enactment

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Yesterday my friend mistakenly thought it was my birthday and sent me a virtual gift...a kitten. 

I'm still laughing about it. 


Geese make the funniest noise in the whole world.  I can just see it at the creation of the earth- "what noise should THIS one make?" No music to the ears like a drawn out honk that changes pitches half way through.  It's like the voice of an adolescent boy- times five. I love Geese.  

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Sun Does...

THE SUN IS OUT!!!! Every thing is so beautiful lately.  People are smiling, frizbees are flying and everyone wants to be outside all the time! I love being outside too. It's beautiful and exciting. 

I've taken to walking down the middle of one way streets in the opposite direction.  It gives me this really amazing sense of power in alone-ness. I like it.  It's cool too that I don't HAVE to watch my back.  I can trust in the rules and know that there won't be cars coming THAT way.  

Today we did viewpoints outside.  A lot of you don't know what Viewpoints is but basically, you let go of your social inhibitions and follow all your impulses.  If you feel like sitting, sit. When you want to run, run.  If the person next to you is sneezing, sneeze and then sneeze again and again and again until it turns into a cough, a moan, a scream---no limits.  Let the world around you play you. 

It's very hippy sounding, but SO FUN!!! Its being a kid all over again. And what better time than now, when the sun has just come out and the whole world is rediscovering the life inside it.  

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the secret revealed!

So this weekend I got to do something really really fun. I surprised my family by showing up in Utah for the weekend.  That was the big secret and can I tell ya- it was sooooo worth it.  Surprising them was the best thing I could have done.  I had my friend Ben pick me up for the airport and we went and decorated my little sis's car.  The only hint I left was an inside joke on her driver's side window (DEW).  She called me around 2:45 demanding to know where I was.  I said "subway" and hung up.  5 minutes later I was abruptly tackled by an 18 year old love bomb.  It was wonderful.  

I surprised my mom by sneaking up on her at Ell's soccer game.  I was on the phone with her and as soon as she heard my voice on the phone and right next to her she turned and screamed, "what are you doing here?! What are you DOING here?!" I was laughing so hard it took me a second to explain.

I surprised my dad similarly by calling the house from my bedroom.  When I walked into the kitchen, after expressing my heartfelt wish that I could magically be in Utah, all he could say was "You dirty rat." 

I surprised Creed and Sharesa too, by showing up at their house the next night, posed as Ellen needing to see her niece.  It was awesome! I loved surprising them and being with them.  Spending that weekend with my family made me realize how much I love and miss them always.  I'm so grateful that I know that we can be together forever.  And even though we're separated right now, we'll always always always be there for each other.  They are my greatest blessing and no matter where I am, it won't be better than being with them.  So to all my family- XOXOXO I can't wait to be back with you in a month and a half :). Thank you for always being there for me and loving me unconditionally.  All my love


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Everything is better with music...period.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Minnesota Moment

My friend Tiffany has coined this wonderful phrase. It's called a 'minnesota moment'. And basically what happened was that she was on a first date with someone she wasn't sure if she liked or not yet. They were on a hike, and she loves slightly odd soul searching questions, so she picked up a rock that was a fairly odd shape and asked "what does this rock remind you of?" not really expecting or wanting him to answer in a particular way, just seeing what he would say. And his response was nothing more than, "Minnesota." And that response, for whatever reason, was the tipping moment. It was that moment that gave her just enough information about who this boy was that she could tell that she was no longer interested. Hence the phrase 'minnesota moment'. The turning point that ends a relationship. Do you all know what I'm talking about? I wonder if you can really trust them...what if you just let someone wonderful pass by because they were slightly off that day? or something? Thoughts? Anyone?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Guess what......

I have a really really big secret that I'm not telling my family... and its NOT that I've become a pseudo vegetarian.  It's a really big wish that won't come true for about a week.  But I can't publish it because my sister's read this blog.  O and BTW has anyone noticed how I haven't written for like a month and my hits DOUBLED! I know that's a lot of people just getting here by accident but still... it makes me feel loved. And why pass up that??  I think we all let self consciousness over rule our happy thoughts sometimes, and that's just cynical.  I'll make a deal with you all.  If each of you find something that makes you feel loved tomorrow (or the day after you read this whenever that is) you tell me what it was and I will send you a dessert in the mail.  Capiche?