Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hey everybody- I did this short film over Thanksgiving break and we need feedback on how well the story reads. So be brutally honest about what doesn't make sense and what you'd like to see in the story. We have quite a bit of footage to work with so... sky's the limit. ANY THING AND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY YOU CAN'T OFFEND ME. We need your opinion! Thanks guys!!

O and title help would be awesome. We've been thinking of :

'sky turn(ed) violet'
'violet sky'
'what I'm missing'


Christine Frandsen said...

I loved so many things about this. Mostly I loved that I got to see you again.
Mostly that I got to hear your beautiful voice again! You sure can sing.

Also, I think the film is great and looks excellent. I don't know if it was my computer, but some of it was hard to hear, and some was loud.

The beginning is a little consfusing, but makes sense once you get into it.

Mostly I love ya and want to post this on my blog because I think you are so talented.

Also- so fun to see where you are living, it looks beautiful!

Chase said...

sorry for taking so long - I watched the film earlier this week and have kept putting off my comments.

Well, about the story, I think everything's there - the narrative works well going one to two to three. And it also tends to knot up at points (I'm thinking of the dress scene) but then it relaxes out. Actually, I think that would be my main criticism, that the whole story has the same tension level throughout except for the dress scene, but then again, in something this short, I guess that's what best.

It seems the more I think about it, the less qualified I feel to give valuable feedback. Any who, if you have something more specific for me to look out for, I'd be glad to watch it again.

And for title, I guess out of the four, "violet sky" works for me.

Christie Beck said...

Hey Val! This was a great video! I loved the emotion that you were able to convey through it. What a beautiful song as well - I'd love a copy of it when you get a minute! You're the best! Hope everything is going well!