Friday, May 1, 2009

Organized religion and Spirituality

Today on the train, after a long AMAZING picnic at a Professor's house, some classmates and I started talking a little bit about spirituality and the cons of organized religion. I had to get off before the conversation had finished :( and I wanted to put a couple of thoughts out there to the world about the God that I have come to know and love, both in my individual pursuits in spiritual progression, and also in my understanding of the pros and cons of organized religion, and how the two coincide and benefit each other. In expressing these ideas, beliefs and opinions it is not my intention to disregard anyone else's thoughts or opinions, but merely to clarify my own.

First, spirituality. I don't know what the word means in terms of the conversation I mentioned earlier- I think it means a lot of things to a lot of people. For this note I've interpreted it to mean having a living relationship with something or someone greater than yourself, and continually striving to strengthen that relationship and become ONE with that greater thing. In my case that means building a strong, living relationship with God, my literal Heavenly Father, and by striving to become more like Him become one with Him.

Second, Organized religion. There are many arguments that come against organized religion. I don't want to discount any of them or argue them- I'll never "win" nor is that my objective. In fact I have some problems with organized religion myself. So how is it that I devoutly attend church each week, pay a tithe (10% of my earnings), teach sunday school, go to scripture study classes etc etc etc? I'll tell you some reasons:

1- I know for myself through hours of study and prayer and a spiritual witness from the Holy Ghost in my mind and heart that God is my Heavenly Father, and that He sent His Son to suffer every pain and affliction I feel, give me peace and help whenever I ask for it (anytime, everytime), and to enable me to return to live with my Father someday. I don't obey God out of fear, I obey Him out of love for Him and a sincere desire to live with Him again.

2-I know for myself...that Christ's teachings are truth, and that they bring happiness, and He ORGANIZED a group of twelve men to teach of His Father and to come unto Christ that they may be brought unto the eternal well of LOVE that He can offer.

3- I know for myself... that that organization was lost for hundreds of years- the fundamentals were shifted, re-organized a million different ways by men, so that they became a thing of men and no longer of God. But I also know that when the world was ready a loving Heavenly Father restored that organization to a Prophet, Joseph Smith, in the early 1800s, and through instruction from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The principles of the organization are perfect, though the men and women striving to uphold those principles are far from perfect.

My connection between spirituality and organized religion thus follows: because every spiritual truth I have gained testifies of a God who loves me infinitely, I am fully convicted in doing what He asks of me. Organized religion in my life has brought me greater opportunities to be taught of Him, and take those teachings to my knees and find out...for myself...if what I have been taught is truth. I am taught through a prophet, through scripture, through sunday school teachers, through discussions with close friends. I am also taught by professors, classmates, textbooks, THEATER, my family, good books, and countless other things. What COUNTS is that I don't have to take anyone else's word for it. I can ask God, and if I have faith that He'll answer, He will. Everything I question comes from everything. Everything I know, without doubt, has been confirmed by God.

In closing, I'd say that spirituality comes first, and organized religion serves to increase and magnify it. If you are converted to a culture, you will not be fulfilled. If you are converted to true principles, you will be led to fulfillment. I testify to all of you seeking that as you continue seek with a firm faith that you will find truth, you WILL FIND IT. I testify that God loves you no matter what. There is NOTHING you could EVER DO that would stop Him from trying to be a part of your life. He will never force His way in, He respects your choices, but He's always waiting at the door if you want to let Him in.

Thanks for reading the whole thing. I love listening and talking any ideas on religion or spirituality or atheism or whatever. I'd love to hear anyone else's personal experience, good or bad. Share your thoughts! Love you all!!



Anonymous said...

Present day religious institutions do not promote truth in following matters -

1. Spirituality
2. Humanity
3. God
The real truth behind them is other than what is told and practiced.

vallarsen49 said...

Thanks Oum! I appreciate your comment. I have found that most religions actually focus on those things as central points of doctrine, and even though few of us are able to attain those things, they are still the principles being taught and striven for. Thanks for commenting!

Trisha said...

Hey Val-it's been a while! Anyways, I must have been prompted to look at all of my friends blogs. I hardly EVER do anymore. Anyways, I am SO glad that I did! I felt the spirit so strong while reading your post. I found myself asking myself the same questions that you were testifying of. Do I KNOW that? And I found some things that I could work on. You are an inspiration. Thank you so much for taking the time to post all of that. I am so thankful!

Kelly Jean said...

I've always been impressed with your depth. You take time to really think about things and form your own opinions and determine your feelings/beliefs. I love how true you are to yourself. Wonderful post :)