Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sonnet 1

I've wanted to post this for a while but kept forgetting. But today I was reaing my scripture journal and happened upon this sonnet I wrote when I was feeling particularly pensive about a loss I'd just gone through. I won't get any more specific than that but this is what came out:

Time ticks slowly by, I wait, for what?
For all I used to seek has left me still
in deeper sand. And now the door is shut
I teeter on an open window sill.
My aim was sure and clear: a distant star
Once reached I thought, no, knew, that I had won.
And now the morning shews my goal afar
I fear to fail in blind pursuit o' the Sun.
So what? To squat an ever fixed stone?
Unmoved waiting for His higher hand?
Or with shaking knees and fire of will alone
Stagger forward, ill content to merely stand?
On, on! For though my choice be half a guess,
My Master fails me not when giv'n my best.

And there you have it kids. My first Sonnet...*sigh. Will would be proud.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


with Richard Gere...........................................................18 years ago.

jk....he looks good with gray hair tooooooooo

words to ponder ;);)

is that inappropriate? :S