Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Sun Does...

THE SUN IS OUT!!!! Every thing is so beautiful lately.  People are smiling, frizbees are flying and everyone wants to be outside all the time! I love being outside too. It's beautiful and exciting. 

I've taken to walking down the middle of one way streets in the opposite direction.  It gives me this really amazing sense of power in alone-ness. I like it.  It's cool too that I don't HAVE to watch my back.  I can trust in the rules and know that there won't be cars coming THAT way.  

Today we did viewpoints outside.  A lot of you don't know what Viewpoints is but basically, you let go of your social inhibitions and follow all your impulses.  If you feel like sitting, sit. When you want to run, run.  If the person next to you is sneezing, sneeze and then sneeze again and again and again until it turns into a cough, a moan, a scream---no limits.  Let the world around you play you. 

It's very hippy sounding, but SO FUN!!! Its being a kid all over again. And what better time than now, when the sun has just come out and the whole world is rediscovering the life inside it.  


L.W. said...

i wish we had an entire class on viewpoints when i was an underclassman. we only get bits and pieces in senior acting. and those of us not in senior acting don't really get it at all. thank goodness i am. i love running until i just can't run anymore! and architecture is also really fun to explore. woot.

Kelly Jean said...

Wow!!! That's so inspiring! I LOVE it!! Being outside definitely gives me a natural lift. Something about the natural scenic beauty and fresh air... And, of course, the hippy thing makes me love the viewpoints concept all the more :) What an interesting class. How fun!